Δυναμική Στροφείων

Γενικά στοιχεία




  • Class e-Notes
  • Tosio Yamamoto, Yukio Ishida (2001), Linear and Nonlinear Rotordynamics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Giacarlo Genta (2005), Dynamics of Rotating Systems, Springer 
  • Neville F. Rieger (1986), Balancing of Rigid and Flexible Rotors, Stress Technology, Inc. 




Μέτρηση κίνησης εργαστηριακού  Jeffcott Rotor  (δεν προσφέρεται το 2021)

Ιωάννης  Γεωργίου, Ph.D.
Registered Professional Mechanical Aerospace Engineer, Technical Chamber of Greece   
Kαθηγητής  Ναυτικής Μηχανολογίας
Τηλ: 210-772-2716    
Master thesis topics offered

Topic1: Systematic Derivation and Evaluation of Reduced-Order Models of a Flexible Beam Structure Coupled to an Eccentric Rigid Rotor: Bifurcations Exploration of the Dynamics Nonlinear Phenomenon of Irreversible Energy Flow from the Flexible Continuum to the Rigid Rotor. 

Benefits: You will be introduced to concepts of Energy Harvesting from the Environment (the sea, the atmosphere), and Infrastructure (the paved car road, the train rails).

Topic2: Transformation Processing of Laser-based Vibration Measurements of Ball Bearings and their Preparation for Input to Convolutional Neural Networks  (CNNs) for Anomaly Detection.

Benefits: You will be introduced to machine learning and artificial intelligence concepts targeted for Anomaly Detection in complex mechanical-structural systems.